Should you Include Salary Info in a Job Description?

There are plenty of do’s and don’ts when it comes to writing the perfect job description but what about when it comes to disclosing salary information? Is it better to be transparent about what you are willing to pay? Or is it better to hold off until you’ve met the potential candidate/s? Let’s discuss the pros and cons.
Yes, Disclose!
Not offering candidates salary information can arouse suspicion. They might wonder if the salary is inappropriate for the position or if you are going to low ball them in the interview. Candidates looking to advance in their careers may worry that interviewers will base their offers off of what they were earning in their previous role which may hinder their career advancement. If you’re not sure what you’re prepared to offer, then it’s perfectly fine to outline a salary range that can be negotiated based on experience.
Salary information can also give candidates an idea of the kind of skills and experience required for the job. This can occasionally act as a barrier to entry as candidates may not feel qualified for a job with a massive salary jump from their previous position. That being said, salary information can also work in your favour as candidates with the right skills and experience looking to progress to the next salary band will prioritise your position above those that offer no salary information.
No, Withhold!
Outlining salary information on a job description has its disadvantages. For one, it shows competitors how much you are paying which could result in headhunting. Additionally, current employees may feel as though they are being paid less for a similar skill requirement if they don’t fully understand the role you are advertising.
If the job is especially high paying, detailing the salary information could also increase applications from overly-confident yet underqualified candidates who have based their interest in the role on the wage bracket as opposed to their ability to do the job.
Withholding salary information gives you, the employer, a lot more control over the role. It allows you to vet potential candidates based on previous experience and offer them a salary based on the kind of work they are able to deliver.
The Bottom Line
Above all else it’s best to be open and honest when writing a job description. Whilst you are under no obligation to disclose salary details to employees it’s important to remember that colleagues talk, and it is illegal to impose pay secrecy policies unless they are clearly outlined in employees’ contracts. With that in mind, we recommend making sure you’re not offering potential recruits salaries that you wouldn’t be comfortable with the rest of your team knowing about.
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